
Saturday, May 07, 2005

I went to see Crash tonight, I hesitant after reading the critics reviews which are pretty mixed. The first 30 minutes had me wondering if I was going to enjoy the film. I felt beat up by all the overt racism and the multitude of characters being introduced in the film. Also the scenarios are so over the top as the language of the actors. But the film comes together with so much power.

The acting throughout the film was top-notch, Michael Pena was wonderful and I got another chance to see Terrence Howard who is one of my favorite actors. The complexity of the script provides a good framework to explore racism as the central theme of the film. We see characters from different perspective and through them we can see ourselves and others we know. Sometimes people criticize films for not answering life questions. Crash isn't a film that will provide the answer or the means to end racism. But it does remind us how interconnected we are, how we judge others and focusing and holding on to anger can make us lash out and emotionally takes us down.

See this movie you'll have something to talk about afterward.


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