Sunday, November 07, 2004
Haven't written for a couple of days, I've been under the weather with sinus problems or something but I gotta blog. Friday evening, continued my theatre run by visiting the Lorraine Hansberry Theatre to see Looking Over the President's Shoulder, a solo piece starring Larry Nelson. The play is about Alonzo Fields the African-American who was head butler in the White House under four American Presidents Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Truman and Eisenhower. Nelson plays Alonzo Fields telling us his story, perspectives, and his impressions of the Presidents he served.
The play is well written, it takes you through the administrations with ease and you get a sense of Fields. But I wasn't happy the Larry Nelson performance, he flubbed his lines several times and lacked intensity. What's always striking about solo performance is the actor's energy; while Nelson was obliviously competent he lacked a certain spark. At the end of the performance during the applause the lights were dimmed as they were brought back up I could see Nelson quickly lowering his hand, he was yawning, that was a first! Maybe the election results still had him up at night.
I would love to see the play again with another actor. Last note, tickets were purchased at Theatre Bay Area we were able to get discounted tickets, gotta maximize that dollar. With my maximize dollar I can continue to support the Lorraine Hansberry Theatre, their next play is a joint production with the Bekerely Repertory Theatre, Polk County a Blues Musical written by Nora Zeal Hurston and Dorothy Waring. I've enjoyed Nora Zeal Hurston for so many years I'm really excited about this play.
The pictures below I took while walking to the theatre. I was on Powell Street, the heart of downtown, always bustling with people, cable cars, and cars it's a lively. I always enjoy waslking the street feeling the energy and people watching. This brother had parked his Art Car on Powell Street, no simple feat. We chatted and I hope to see him around the City sometimes.
Local Art Car on Powell Street
One more shot Local Art Car on Powell Street
The play is well written, it takes you through the administrations with ease and you get a sense of Fields. But I wasn't happy the Larry Nelson performance, he flubbed his lines several times and lacked intensity. What's always striking about solo performance is the actor's energy; while Nelson was obliviously competent he lacked a certain spark. At the end of the performance during the applause the lights were dimmed as they were brought back up I could see Nelson quickly lowering his hand, he was yawning, that was a first! Maybe the election results still had him up at night.
I would love to see the play again with another actor. Last note, tickets were purchased at Theatre Bay Area we were able to get discounted tickets, gotta maximize that dollar. With my maximize dollar I can continue to support the Lorraine Hansberry Theatre, their next play is a joint production with the Bekerely Repertory Theatre, Polk County a Blues Musical written by Nora Zeal Hurston and Dorothy Waring. I've enjoyed Nora Zeal Hurston for so many years I'm really excited about this play.
The pictures below I took while walking to the theatre. I was on Powell Street, the heart of downtown, always bustling with people, cable cars, and cars it's a lively. I always enjoy waslking the street feeling the energy and people watching. This brother had parked his Art Car on Powell Street, no simple feat. We chatted and I hope to see him around the City sometimes.
Local Art Car on Powell Street
One more shot Local Art Car on Powell Street