
Friday, October 29, 2004

Why watch television when you can see live theater. Yesterday evening I was able to see a solo performance at The Marsh Theater. It's a theater in the Mission District which present emerging artists and works.

I was able to get free tickets there was a post on the squidlist, an activity mailing list. But the number of the post was wrong, I should have known something was funny when I first called the number this guy answered stating that maybe his girl friend left the post. After a second call and being told the number was wrong I called the Marsh and was able to get passes.

What did I see? Wayne Harris' Train Stories. I remember when this Train Stories was presented at the Fringe festival last year but I missed it. The piece had a good reviews from the festival and good word for mouth from friends and for good reason. I found Harris' writing complicated and challenging, well done.


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